Sunday, December 6, 2009

Or maybe it's that bottle of rum I had for dinner! *hic* How YOU doin', baby?

Sometimes I am happy.

A lot of the time, I'm not. Most anyone who knows me would tell you I am not a happy person. They'd say I'm moody, prone to temper tantrums, quick to sulk and form inexplicable grudges, almost psychotically self-deprecating, and that I cry like a little bitch when I'm stressed. And they would be right. Especially about the crying like a little bitch part. Man, if there were one emotional response I could train myself out of, I'm telling you.

But sometimes, for no reason at all, or for a lot of little reasons that might not seem to add up to very much at all, I just feel so - content? Glad? I wouldn't say I wouldn't trade lives with anyone - give me someone without student loans or what I shall only refer to as "the monkeyhawk profile" - but, you know, sometimes it isn't so bad, being me. I've got some pretty rad friends, some nifty interests, a little bit of skill and/or talent, and a sense of humour. And even though I have seven papers to do that I should be working on right now, sometimes, that's enough.

Now if I could only stop ordering delivery pizza! Hahahahahaha!ohgodpleasehelpitisanaddiction